

讲座题目-- Distinguishing Users with Capacitive Touch Communication

时间:2014711 10:0011:30



As we are surrounded by an ever-larger variety of post-PCdevices, the traditional methods for identifying and authenticating usershave become cumbersome and time-consuming. This talk will present acapacitive communication method through which a device can recognize whois interacting with it. This method exploits the capacitive touchscreens,which are now used in laptops, phones, and tablets, and many otherdevices, as a signal receiver. The signal that identifies the user can begenerated by a small transmitter embedded into a ring, watch, or otherartifact carried on the human body. We explore two example system designswith a low-power continuous transmitter that communicates through theskin and a signet ring that needs to be touched to the screen.Experiments with our prototype transmitter and tablet receiver show thatcapacitive communication through a touchscreen is possible, even withouthardware or firmware modifications on a receiver. This latter approachimposes severe limits on the data rate, but the rate is sufficient fordifferentiating users in multiplayer tablet games or parental controlapplications. Controlled experiments with a signal generator alsoindicate that future designs may be able to achieve datarates that areuseful for providing less obtrusive authentication with similar assuranceas PIN codes or swipe patterns commonly used on smartphones today.


Marco Gruteser is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers University and a member of the Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB). He is a pioneer in the area of location privacy and also recognized for his work on connected vehicle applications. Beyond these topics, his more than hundred peer-reviewed articles and patents span a wide range of wireless, mobile systems, and pervasive computing issues. He received his MS and PhD degrees from the University of Colorado in 2000 and 2004, respectively, and has held research and visiting positions at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and Carnegie Mellon University.


