


Title:  Developing Scalable Intelligent Detection Systems For Emerging Mobile Cloud Computing Services 

Speaker: Dr Frank Jiang

Affiliation:School of Engineering and IT, University of New South Wales, Australia.

Abstract:  The emerging mobile cloud environments present new challenges to the design and development of current intelligent detection systems. Fraud detection, intrusion detection and misuse detection design have to consider the mobility in addition to the already challenging issue of scalability in the cloud. In this talk, we will explore the possibility of controlling such system via predictive analytics techniques, especially on similarity analysis, coupled learning approach towards the non-iid ness data. A number of applications from the past projects will be demonstrated as the basis towards this research direction.

 Short Biography of the SpeakerDr Frank Jiang is appointed as the lecturer level in University of New South Wales (UNSW) where he also received a prestigious UNSW Vice-chancellor's Research Fellowship. In Feb., 2014, Dr Jiang is appointed as a visiting research lecturer in Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Apart from that, he has additional years’ experience of teaching Introduction to Electrical Engineering (IEE), Circuits and Systems and Design Fundamentals(DF) while he was in UTS since 2004. He received his B.Sc. degree in Control Engineering and M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering respectively in Northeastern University, China and University of New South Wales, Australia respectively in 1997 and 2002.. He gained his PhD degree in computer science and software engineering at University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) in 2008. His research interests include Bio-inspired algorithms and metaheursitics, Evolutionary Computing, Underwater image processing, Electronics and computer hardware design, analysis and implementation, Intelligent and mobile agents. He has published over 60 journals and conferences papers up to now.  

