2017年电气论坛第9次活动-- Benefits and Challenges of Vehicle-to-Grid Technology: A Review of Electric Transportation Integration with Electric Power systems



地点: 教二  405

主讲人:Philip Krein                 

Professor Emeritus and DirectorGrainger Center for Electric Machinery and ElectromechanicsUniversity of IllinoisExecutive Dean, ZJU-UIUC Institute


Philip T. Krein简介:Philip Krein is the Executive Dean of the Zhejiang University/University of Illinois Institute at the International Campus of Zhejiang University in Haining, China.  He holds the Grainger Endowed Emeritus Chair in Electric Machinery and Electromechanics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  His research interests address all aspects of power electronics, machines, drives, electric transportation, and electrical energy, with emphasis on nonlinear control approaches.  He holds thirty-four U.S. patents with additional patents pending.  He published an undergraduate textbook, Elements of Power Electronics (Oxford University Press, second edition 2015).  In 2003, he received the IEEE William E. Newell Award in Power Electronics.  He is Chair of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Community